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Track GPS (Lac d'Isaby)>>

Track GPS (Pic de Léviste)>>


Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes, take the D-821 road and, at the ring road of Argelès-Gazost, turn left along the D-100 towards the Hautacam ski station. Before arriving at the end of the road at Col de Tramassel, turn right along an unpaved track to Col de Moulata (1.676 m)

* Descend to Lac d'Isaby (1.556 m, photo) from where is possible to climb Pic de Léviste (2.463 m, photo) as a circular hike: Uphill via cabane de la Grande Estibère and downhill to the cabane de la Petite Estibère.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Tarbes take the D-935 road and pass Bagnères de Bigorre. Before arriving to Campan, turn right along the road to vallée de Lesponne (D-29) and park at its end in Le Chiroulet (1.070 m- Bar, restaurant, hotel)

* Ascend in zigzag bends to the Lac Bleu (1.954 m, photo), go to the left of the lake towards Lac Vert (2.009 m) and around Lac Bleu to the Col de Bareilles (2.238 m). Go down to Lac d'Ourrec (1.667 m) and, before going back to Le Chiroulet, admire to your right the waterfall cascade d'Ouscouaou.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Tarbes take the D-935 road and pass Bagnères de Bigorre > before Campan and, after the junction to the Vallée de Lesponne (Le Chiroulet), cross the river and turn right > after 200 m take Chemin d'Angoué > Route du Margoueilh > Cabane de Conques > Route forestière de L'Aya to its end (1.310 m)

* Circular route with a steep climb to Lac de Peyrelade (1.919 m, photo), at the foot of the north face of Pic du Midi de Bigorre. After the lake, go uphill for several minutes to the pass Cot dera Coustérète (1.952 m) and downhill through the forest Bois de Pouzac to the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes, there is the thermal station of Luz-Saint-Sauveur where you take the D-918 road (Route des Cols). Between the Super Barèges ski station and Col du Tourmalet, at a right hairpin bend, there is a car park (1.944 m) for the hike to Lac d'Oncet.

* The footpath ascends gradually to the junction with the GR 10C that you follow to the north (to the right) to reach the beautiful Lac d'Oncet (2.254 m), at the foot of the south face of Pic du Midi de Bigorre. Take the wide track to its end near Col des Laquets (2.637 m) and a path to the summit (2.876 m). There is a bell if you want to visit the Observatoire (https://picdumidi.com/)


Track GPS (Lac d'Hourquette) >>


Track GPS (Pic de Bastan) >>


Access to the starting point: To the south of Tarbes take the D-935 road and pass Bagnères de Bigorre and Campan and, after a few km, turn right along the D-918 towards Col du Tourmalet. After the junction to Artigues, at a right hairpin bend, park by the road (Virage du Garet, 1.410 m).

* The footpath starts to the left, cross a stream and joins up with the GR 10C. Go uphill to the réservoir des Laquets (2.041 m), further to Lac de Gréziolles (2.113 m) and to Lac du Campana (photo) with the refuge de la Campana de Cloutou. After the Lac de la Hourquette it is possible to climb Pic de Bastan (2.718 m) or go over Col de Bastanet and, before reaching the refuge de Bastan, turn right towards the Lacs de Bastanet, Lac du Port-Bielh, Hourquette de Caderolles and return to the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes, there is the thermal station of Luz-Saint-Sauveur where you take the D-918 road (Route des Cols). Two km after Barèges, park to your left at Tournaboup (1.450 m)

* Follow the GR 10C towards refuge d'Aygues Cluses (2.135 m) and the Lacs de Madamète (2.299 m, photo above). Along an unmarked path, go over Col de Tracens (2.463 m) and down to the Lacs de Tracens, Blanc (photo below) and Coubous returning to the starting point.


Track GPS >>


Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes, there is the thermal station of Luz-Saint-Sauveur where you take the D-918 road (Route des Cols). Two km after Barèges, turn right along the paved track to Plateau de Lienz (1.500 m) and park near the bar- restaurant.

* Go uphill along the track and its shortcuts to the Lac and refuge de la Glère (2.153 m, photo) and follow the valley going around the beautiful Lac det Mail (2.340 m), Estelat Inférieur (2.399 m) and Supérieur (2.423 m). From here, it is possible to climb Turon de Néouvielle (3.035 m)


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes, there is the thermal station of Luz-Saint-Sauveur where you take the D-918 road (Route des Cols) to Barèges. Park near the footbridge on the river to the left of the main road.

* There is a footpath in zigzag bends that was open to build the avalanche protections of Barèges. Enjoy the stunning views over massif du Néouvielle, pic d'Ardiden (photo) and Cirque de Gavarnie.


Track GPS >>


Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes, there is the thermal station of Luz-Saint-Sauveur. Park at the city centre, near the junction of the roads Col du Tourmalet and Gavarnie (710 m).

* The Tour du Pays Toy is a signposted route that runs along the old footpaths linking the villages around Luz. Take the GR 10 to the church Église des Templiers, cross a stream and turn left towards Villenave and Viella (850 m). After passing Betpouey and Sers (1.150 m), take the GR 10 to the left and return to Viella and Luz past the château Sainte-Marie (photo).


Track GPS (Lac d'Ardiden) >>


Track GPS (Pic d'Ardiden) >>


Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes, there is the thermal station of Luz-Saint-Sauveur. Drive along the Gavarnie road and, at the end of Luz, cross the Pont du Gave and take the D-12 road towards the Luz Ardiden ski station. Two km. after the village of Grust, at a right hairpin bend, turn left along a paved track (Bernazau). Park at the end of this (1.270 m) or follow the unpaved track to Aynis (1.400 m).

* This lonely route takes you to secluded lakes (photo Lac Grand) and to a beautiful summit whose climb runs through granite boulders but has any problems for experienced hikers.


Track GPS >>


Access to the starting point: To the south of Saint-Lary-Soulan, take the Spain road (D-929), turn right in Fabian along the Route des Lacs and, at Lac d'Orédon, turn right. Between 9.30 and 18 h, it is obligatory to park here and take the navette to Lac d'Aubert. If you drive past before 9.30 h, you will pay a toll when exiting. After Lac d'Aumar, reach Lac d'Aubert and park (2.150 m).

* Walk to Lac d'Aumar and take the GR 10 to the left. Pass the small lake of Gorg de Rabas (photo above), go over Col de Madamète (2.509 m- possible ascension of Pic de Madamète, 2.657 m) and go down towards the Lacs de Madamète (2.299 m). Leave the GR, follow a faint unmarked path to the left and go over Col de Tracens (2.463 m) to Lac Nère (2.224 m, photo below). Go uphill to Hourquette d'Aubert (2.408 m) and return to the starting point.


Track GPS >>


Access to the starting point: To the south of Saint-Lary-Soulan, take the Spain road (D-929), turn right in Fabian along the Route des Lacs and, at Lac d'Orédon, turn right. Between 9.30 and 18 h, it is obligatory to park here and take the navette to Lac d'Aubert. If you drive past before 9.30 h, you will pay a toll when exiting. After Lac d'Aumar, reach Lac d'Aubert and park (2.150 m)

* Cross to the other side of the dam and follow the cairns through boulders. A short climb leads to the summit of Pic de Néouvielle (3.091 m, photo- summit to the right).


Track GPS >>


Access to the starting point: To the south of Saint-Lary-Soulan, take the Spain road (D-929), turn right in Fabian along the Route des Lacs and, at Lac d'Orédon, turn right and park here.

* The signposted footpath leads to the shore of Les Laquettes (2.079 m) and to Lac d'Aubert (2.150 m) and Aumar (2.203 m). Follow the GR 10 to the east (right) towards Col d'Estoudou (2.260 m) before descending to the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Saint-Lary-Soulan, take the Spain road (D-929) and turn right in Fabian along the Route des Lacs. Follow this and, 1'5 km before Lac de Cap de Long, park after crossing a stream (2.079 m)

* Follow the stream and, at an altitude of 2.830 m, come to a low wall where the cairns show a false passage which is steep and slippery. The true path veers left for 200 m under the wall and reach a cairned and easy passage. Climb to the top of Pic d'Estaragne (3.006 m), Campbieil (3.173 m, photo above) and Lentilla (3.157 m) and descend towards the lake of Gourg de Cap de Long (2.845 m). After a marshy plain, with outstanding views over the south face of Pic and Turon de Néouvielle (2.591 m, photo below), walk around Lac de Cap de Long, arrive to its parking and take the road to the starting point.

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Access to the starting point: To the south of Saint-Lary-Soulan, take the Spain road (D-929) and, after the junction to Piau-Engaly (Le Plan), park after a left hairpin bend (1.390 m)

* First take a track and afterwards a wide path running along the valley (Neste de la Géla) and go uphill in zigzag bends under the impressive white walls (Muraille de Barroude) to Lacs de Barroude (2.360 m, photo above). Reach Port de Barroude (2.535 m), turn left along the wide ridge to the summit of Pic de Port Vieux (2.721 m) and walk downhill to the Port Vieux (Puerto Viello de Bielsa, 2.375 m, photo below) where 6.000 Spanish refugees of the Civil War crossed in 1938.

* During the descent, it is worthwhile to visit the abandoned mines of la Géla (2.160 et 2.010 m). Iron was extracted there in the Middle Ages and galena (lead glance) in the 20th. century (http://cirquedebarrosa.free.fr/minesdelagela.htm). The path leads to the bottom of the valley and to the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: Along the road from Luz-Saint Sauveur to Gavarnie, after the village of Gèdre, turn left to Cirque de Troumouse and park in Héas (1.535 m). It is possible to drive to Auberge du Maillet and, between June and September, take the navette to the Cirque.

* Take the signposted footpath towards the Cirque, pass the Lacs des Aires (2.099 m) and go uphill to the Vierge de Troumouse (2.125, photo), the best viewpoint. Descend following the shortcuts of the road to Auberge du Maillet (1.810 m) and Héas.


Track GPS (Cirque d'Estaubé) >>


Track GPS (Piméné) >>


Access to the starting point: Along the road from Luz-Saint Sauveur to Gavarnie, after the village of Gèdre, turn left to Cirque de Troumouse and, after a few km, take the narrow road to the right to Lac des Gloriettes (1.665 m).

* Leave the dam behind you and take the path that will join the main path after the Pont de l'Espuguette. Walk along the valley and, at a junction near Pont d'Estaubé, cross this if you want to reach the end of the Cirque (photo).

* If you want to climb the summit of Piméné, turn right at the junction and go uphill in zigzag bends to Hourquette d'Alans (2.433 m). The path goes over this and drops down 200 meters of elevation before leading to Petit Piméné (2.669 m) and Piméné (2.802 m). This summit offers gorgeous views over Cirques d'Estaubé and Gavarnie, Monte Perdido and other peaks. Go back the way you came but, after a zigzag bend to the right, follow the ridge and descend towards the eastern slopes to join the uphill path further down. This faint path avoids the 200 m. climb to Hourquette d'Alans.


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Access to the starting point: There is no way to avoid paying the fee to park in Gavarnie.

* Even though Gavarnie is very crowded, the recommended route follows less frequented paths. Cross the village and take a path, to the right of the main path to the waterfall, towards Plateau de Bellevue. Two hundred meters after the Cimetière des Pyrénéistes, turn right along an unmarked narrow path that, at its beginning, runs parallel to the path that you just left (sentier de Mourgat). At the Plateau de Bellevue (1.700 m, photo) follow the signposted path to the bottom of the valley and, after a bridge, keep straight on a narrow path that crosses the eastern slope of the valley and drops down to the Grande Cascade.

* On the way back, pass the Hôtellerie du Cirque and, a few minutes later, take a narrow path to the left that leads to the stream. Cross this and look for a path along its left bank to Gavarnie.


Track GPS (Ref Sarradets) >>


Track GPS (Le Taillon) >>


Access to the starting point: Take the road to Col des Tentes in Gavarnie and park at its end (2.208 m).

* Take the old road to Port de Boucharo, that has become a wide path, and, at the pass, turn left (east). Between the refuge de Sarradets and Brèche de Roland, pay attention to the ice and hard snowfields. The climb to Taillon (3.144 m, photo of Pics de la Cascade and Monte Perdido from the summit) run below the cliffs on the southern Spanish side and has no problems for experienced hikers.


Track GPS >>


Access to the starting point: Take the road to Col des Tentes in Gavarnie and park at its end (2.208 m).

* Walk to Lac des Especières (2.198 m, photo), go over Col des Especières (2.335 m) and down to Ibón de Lapazosa (2.255 m). Return the same way as you came.