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Track GPS (Lac de Lhurs) >>


Track GPS (Dec de Lhurs) >>


Access to the starting point: Tunnel Somport road (N-134), turn right after Bedous > D-239 Road to Lescun > Car park Anapia

* Walk along a signposted track and footpath to Lac de Lhurs (photo). From there, it is possible to climb either Dec de Lhurs (2.174 m) or Table des Trois Rois (2.448 m- photo)


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Access to the starting point: Tunnel Somport road (N-134), turn right after Bedous > D-239 Road to Lescun > Car park Masousa (955 m). It is possible to drive along the unpaved track to the car park of Pont Lamary (1.173 m)

* Walk along a signposted narrow track to Cabanes d'Ansabe (sale of cheese, water source), at the foot of the impressive Aiguilles d'Ansabère (photo). From here, go uphill to Lac d'Ansabe (photo) and it is possible to reach the beautiful Ibón de Acherito (30- 45 min).


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Access to the starting point: Tunnel Somport road (N-134) > before arriving to Fort de Portalet (ensemble fortifié) turn left > cross the bridge of Pont de Cebers > the car park is to the right.

* The Chemin de la Mâture, 900 m long and 4 m wide, was carved along a sheer cliff between 1771 and 1773 for transporting the future masts (trees of up to 30 meters) down to the river. One couple of oxes guided the cart at the front and 4 more were braking at the rear. After reaching the river, 8 trunks were tied together in a raft that floated downriver to the port de Bayonne.


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Access to the starting point: Tunnel Somport road (N-134) > 3 km after Urdos, park left near the bridge of Pont d'Arnousse that belonged to the abandoned railway line Canfranc- Pau.

* Follow the road for 400 m towards Urdos and turn left along a paved track. After crossing the bridge, take the GR 65.3 (Saint-James Way) to the left. Pass some abandoned farms, cross the stream and turn right along a narrow path that comes out to the N-134 road. Walk several meters to the right and follow the signposted path to Peyrenère (1.429 m) and further to Col de Lazaque (1.731 m). From the Cabanes d'Arnousse take first the track and then the footpath to the left and after a while cross the stream by a spectacular footbridge and reach the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: Tunnel Somport road (N-134) > 1 km before the tunnel, turn right towards Les Forges d'Abel and take the paved track to the power station (1.270 m)- it is possible to park here or follow the unpaved track for 200 m further to find a larger car park.

* Go uphill to Pas d'Escalé (1.635 m), find the GR 11 and follow this to the north (right) crossing the marshy plain of Agua Tuerta (photo). At its end, cross this to the right and look for an unmarked path to Col d'Arlet (2.098 m). After the refuge d'Arlet take the signposted path to cabane de Gourgue Sec, go over Col de Lapachouaou and descend to the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: Tunnel Somport road (N-134) > Before entering the tunnel, take the road of the Col de Somport (D-934) > 4 km before the Col and after Peyrenère, find the Sansanet car park to the right (1.320 m)

* Fifteen minutes after the start of the hike, it is important to take the path to the right through the forêt d'Espelunguère. Later on, walk steeply uphill along a water conduit and reach the final passage equipped with a metal ladder. From Lac d'Estaens (photo), it is possible to follow the GR 11 either towards Agua Tuerta or in the opposite direction to Valle de los Sarrios. Return by taking the very frequented direct path.



Track GPS (Lac d'Isabe) >>


Track GPS (Pic de Sesques) >>


Access to the starting point: To the south of Pau, there is the village of Laruns where we follow the D-934 road. Three km after Eaux-Chaudes, take the unpaved track to the right that leads, after 1500 m, to the car park (940 m) near the Gorges de Bitet.

* Walk uphill through the forest and, after admiring the waterfalls, reach the splendid Lac d'Isabe (1.937 m, photo above). Take the direction of the steep grass slopes between the summit and the narrow gap to the right where you don't have to go. The sight of an antenna at the top (2.606 m) will surprise you. Easy descent to Col de Sesques and, from there, more complicated on the steep slopes. The narrow path veers right towards the impressive rock needle of Capéran de Sesques (photo below) and leads downhill to the cabanes de Cujala de Sesques and the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Pau, there is the village of Laruns where we follow the D-934 road. Four km after Eaux-Chaudes turn left along a paved track to Pont de Goua (966 m).

* Follow the uphill track to the junction with the GR 10 and turn left. The narrow ledge is equipped with a safety cable (photo) and leads downhill to the Soussouéou stream and the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Pau, at the village of Laruns follow the D-934 road and, six km after Eaux-Chaudes (and 1'5 km before Gabas), find a car park to the left (GR 10 signpost) and the start of the hike to the right (970 m).

* Follow the path through the forest to the small and hidden lake (1.750 m, photo). From here, it is possible to climb either Pic d'Er (2.205 m) or Pic d'Aule (2.392 m).


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Pau, at the village of Laruns follow the D-934 road and, after Gabas, turn right towards the Lac de Bious-Artigues. There is a first car park with a parking fee (1.320 m) and another one by the lake higher and more expensive (1.410 m).

* First follow the GR 10 and, at a junction, leave this and cross the stream at the Pont de Bious (photo). Some minutes later, turn left towards the Lac and Col de Peyreget (2.308 m) and descend, at the foot of the north face of Pic du Midi d'Ossau, to the refuge de Pombie. Go over Col de Suzon and down to the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Pau, at the village of Laruns follow the D-934 road and, after Gabas, turn right towards the Lac de Bious-Artigues. There is a first car park with a parking fee (1.320 m) and another one by the lake higher and more expensive (1.410 m).

* It is worthwhile walking around the lake along its northern and western shores and join the GR 10 at Pont d'Ayous. Later on, follow the GR 108 towards Lacs de Castérau et Bersau and descend to the refuge d'Ayous (photos). Return along the GR 10 with stunning views of the western face of Pic du Midi d'Ossau.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Pau, at the village of Laruns follow the D-934 road and, after Gabas and the Lac de Fabrèges, turn left to the car park (1.250 m). From here, take the cable car for 15 min and afterwards ride the petit train (1 h) to the station near Lac d'Artouste (1.910 m): https://artouste.fr/ete/le-train-dartouste/

* Walk uphill to Lac d'Artouste (photo) and then around this to the refuge d'Arrémoulit (2.280 m). From the Col d'Arrémoulit (2.446 m) enjoy the extensive views over the massif of Balaïtous and the lakes of Ibones de Arriel. Going back, if you have a head for the heights, take the Passage d'Orteig equipped with a safety cable.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Pau, at the village of Laruns follow the D-934 road and, after Gabas and the Lac de Fabrèges, turn left to the car park (1.250 m)

* Long walk uphill from the reservoir at 1.250 meters to Col de Lurien (2.342 m) and descent to Lac d'Artouste (1.997 m). Climb to Col d'Arrious (2.254 m, photo) and go down to the main road (1.400 m) that we cross straight ahead to reach the GR 108A. Follow this to the right and return to the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Pau, at the village of Laruns, follow the D-934 road and, 1 km before Col du Portalet, find the car park (1.730 m).

* Walk uphill to the refuge de Pombie (photo) and to Col de Suzon (2.127 m) and downhill to Lac de Bious-Artigues (1.410 m). Follow the GR 10 and the GR 108 and, after the Pont de Bious, turn left towards Lac de Peyreget, Col de l'Iou (2.194 m) and the starting point.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes, in Argelès-Gazost, take the Col d'Aubisque road (D-918) to Arrens-Marsous. From here, follow the signposts (D-105) towards the Barrage du Tech and reach the end of the paved track at Plan d'Aste (1.475 m).

* Walk along the GR T22 to Lac de Suyen and turn right towards cabane de Doumblas and refuge de Larribet (2.072 m). The gorgeous Lacs de Batcrabère (photo), at the foot of the mythical Pic de Balaïtous, aren't far from the mountain hut.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes, in Argelès-Gazost, take the Col d'Aubisque road (D-918) to Arras-en-Lavedan. From here, follow the signposts (D-103) towards the Lac d'Estaing (1.175 m)

* Pass the small boulder hut of Toue de la Cétira and Lac du Plaa de Prat (1.660 m). Later on, at the shores of Lacs de Liantran (photo), there are ruins of an abandoned shepherds settlement dating from the Neolithic Age.

* A steep climb leads to the Lacs de Houns de Hèche. From here, it is possible to walk to Lacs de Bassia through huge boulders and go back to Lac du Plaa de Part by a different route.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes there is Cauterets, an important thermal and ski station. Take the Pont d'Espagne road and park after la Raillère (1.050 m). It is possible to start the hike in Cauterets walking along the Chemin des Pères to la Raillère and returning via Chemin Demontzey.

* The signposted footpath passes the waterfalls of Escane-Gat, Cerisey, Pouey Bacou, Pas de l'Ours and Boussès before reaching Pont d'Espagne (1.500 m)


Track GPS (Lac d'Estom) >>


Track GPS (Lac de Labas) >>


Track GPS (Col des Gentianes) >>


Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes there is Cauterets, an important thermal and ski station. Take the Pont d'Espagne road and, after la Raillère, turn left to La Fruitière (1.370 m).

* Along the path to the refuge d'Estom (1.804 m) pass the junction to the left towards Pic d'Ardiden and, later, another to the right leading to the Lacs d'Estibe Aute. Go uphill to Lac de Labas (photo, 2.284 m) and, if you are very fit, further towards Lac des Oulettes d'Estom Soubiran (2.360 m), Lac Couy (2.450 m) and Lac Glacé (2.565 m) to reach Col des Gentianes (2.733 m) and the refuge Baysellance.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes there is Cauterets, an important thermal and ski station. Take the Pont d'Espagne road and park at its end (1.455 m).

* Go uphill to Plateau du Clot along a paved track and, at its end, take the footpath of the Vallée du Marcadau to the refuge Wallon (1.865 m). From here, walk towards the north, pass Lac Nère (2.320 m, photo) to reach Lac du Pourtet (2.429 m), the highest point of the hike. Descend past Lacs de l'Embarrat to Plateau du Clot and Pont d'Espagne.


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Access to the starting point: To the south of Lourdes there is Cauterets, an important thermal and ski station. Take the Pont d'Espagne road and park at its end (1.455 m). If you take the lift to Lac de Gaube, you don't pay the fee of the car park.

* Follow the GR 10 to Lac de Gaube (photo) and, with the impressive north face of the Pique Longue (Vignemale, photo), reach the refuge des Oulettes de Gaube (2.151 m). From here, it is possible to walk along the GR 10 to Hourquette d'Ossoue and further to Petit Vignemale or complete a circular hike going over the passes Col des Mulets and Arratille and downhill to the refuge Wallon and Pont d'Espagne.